country Germany. So, stay in touch for more general knowledge.
- Germany is officially called the Federal Republic of Germany.
- Germany shares borders with Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland.
- Germany consists of 16 states, 3 of which are city states (Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen).
- Germans are the second largest beer consumers in the world, after the Irish.
- There are over 5,000 brands of beer to choose from in Germany- and 500 brands of mineral water!
- Germany is Europe’s largest economy.
- The official currency is the euro.
- Historically, Germany was known as the Holy Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia, and the Weimar Republic.
- German is the official language of 5 countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. It is also spoken in Northern Italy and the French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine.
- Germany is the first country to adopt Daylight Saving Time (DST) in 1916.
- 65% of the Autobahn (highway) has no speed limit.
- The first printed book was in German.
- German is the third most commonly taught language worldwide.
- The longest word published in the German language is "Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft" (79 letters). Try saying that five times fast.
- The Berlin Wall fell in 1989 (the year I was born!).
- Berlin has the largest train station in Europe.
- There are over 150 castles in Germany.
- The Christmas tree (Tenenbaum) tradition came from Germany.
- Freiburg is the warmest German city.
- Germany has over 400 zoos, the most in the world.
- Albert Einstein, the most recognized scientist in the world, was German and born in Ulm.
- The cuckoo clock is invented in Germany in the 17th century.
- Prices of books are set by the publisher, not the retailer.
- 34% of the population are Protestants and also 34% are Catholics.
- Employees get 20 to 30 days paid vacation per year.
- One of the world’s top exporters, with the main exports being cars, machines and chemical products.
- Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in Germany.
- Over 98% of the population own cell phones.
- The German government is committed to lowering carbon emissions by using renewable energy and supporting sustainable development.
- Germany has a low fertility rate. Each woman has, on average, 1.41 children.
- Christianity is the largest religion in Germany. 64% of the population identify themselves as Christians
- About 90% of all German homes have cable or satellite television.
- Everyone who owns a tv has to pay 17.03 Euros per month for public tv.
- The world’s tallest cathedral is in Ulm.
- Taxis in Germany are Mercedes.
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